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Parking and permits

Day parking tickets are available at the individual parks.

Regular visitors may be interested in purchasing an annual permit.

Prices are valid for permits purchased anytime between 1 April 2024 and 31 March 2025. Blue badge holders get a 20% discount on permit prices.

Country Parks permits

Parking permits for country parks
Country parks Annual permit
valid for 12 months from date of purchase
Burton Dassett Hills Country Park £40 Apply for a Burton Dassett Country Parks permit
Hartshill Hayes Country Park £40 Apply for a Hartshill Hayes Country Park permit
Kingsbury Water Park £52.80 Apply for a Kingsbury Water Park permit
Kingsbury Water Park - Disabled £41.80 Apply for a Kingsbury Water Park permit
Ryton Pools Country Park £48.40 Apply for a Ryton Pools Country Park permit
Ryton Pools Country Park - Disabled £38.50 Apply for a Ryton Pools Country Park permit
Pooley Country Park £40  Apply for a Pooley Country Park permit
Stratford Greenway £58  Apply for a Stratford Greenway parking permit

Multi-park permits

Multi-park permits
Multi-Park permit Parks covered Cost Apply
All Parks All Warwickshire Country Parks £132 Apply for an all parks parking permit
All Parks - Disabled All Warwickshire Country Parks £105 Apply for an all parks parking permit
North Kingsbury Water Park, Hartshill Hayes, Pooley Country Park £99 Apply for North parks permit
North - Disabled Kingsbury Water Park, Hartshill Hayes, Pooley Country Park £80 Apply for North parks permit
South Ryton Pools, Burton Dassett Hills, The Stratford Greenway £72 Apply for a South parks permit
South - Disabled Ryton Pools, Burton Dassett Hills, The Stratford Greenway £53 Apply for a South parks permit

Off-street parking places order for Warwickshire Country Parks

Warwickshire County Council has made an off-street parking places order which will apply to all of the Country Parks within Warwickshire. This will bring the car parks in line with the Civil Parking Enforcement regime that is already operated throughout Warwickshire for on-street parking and in the council’s off-street car parks.

The only visible changes to our visitors will be car parking signage and the presence of Civil Enforcement Officers who will operate in the car parks, instead of on-site rangers.

A copy of the signed Order, together with plans showing the locations of the parking places affected and a statement of the council’s reasons for making the Order may be inspected via the following links: