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Second Biodiversity Net Gain Meadow for Ryton Pools!

New fence Ryton Pools

We are delighted to announce that a second meadow at Ryton Pools Country Park has been entered into a thirty-year Biodiversity Net Gain scheme

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) plays a pivotal role in conservation efforts. It aims to balance the scales between development and nature, ensuring that when development projects have negative effects on local ecosystems, new habitats are created or restored elsewhere to compensate for these losses. Through projects like the Ryton Pools Wildflower Meadow, biodiversity offsetting not only mitigates the impact of development but also enriches our local landscapes, creating thriving ecosystems that support diverse flora and fauna.

After establishing a BNG meadow at Ryton Pools a few years ago, the project to set up a second BNG meadow began around 18 months ago with in-depth surveys and soil sampling to assess the site's viability. The 12-acre meadow was identified as a prime candidate for biodiversity improvement due to its low existing grassland species count and nutrient-poor soil. A 30-year management plan was developed, securing funding to support ongoing conservation efforts. Now, on-the-ground work is beginning.

Unlike the existing BNG hay meadow on-site, which follows a traditional hay-cut system, this second meadow will be managed solely through rotational grazing. Under the guidance of resident shepherd Dale Huddlestone and his flock of Hebridean sheep, the meadow will be divided into three sections, with grazing carefully managed to encourage plant diversity and provide valuable habitat for invertebrates. Monitoring will play a crucial role in tracking the project’s success, with a new Butterfly Transect route being established to assess the meadow’s impact on butterfly populations. Additional invertebrate monitoring is also planned.

Work is already underway, with BNG funding enabling the replacement and enhancement of existing fencing. Contractors are currently engaged in installing nearly 3km of fencing, hanging nine new field gates, and constructing a new penfold to facilitate sheep movements between the grazing sections. In the coming weeks, we will be meeting with contractors to plan initial management works, marking the next exciting step in the project.

Further image of fieldImage of fieldFencing being installedImage of logs stacked before fencing beganImage of completed fence works

Published: 14th March 2025