Stratford Greenway railway carriage to be removed on 26 April to make room for new bike hire venture

Residents asked to be mindful of access restrictions as the carriage is removed.
On 26 April 2024, the railway carriage that previously housed the Stratford Greenway bike hire will be removed. This will require heavy construction equipment, and public access to that section of the Greenway will be restricted at points throughout the day. Visitors are asked to be mindful of this when planning a visit to the Greenway and to pay attention to any safety signage in place.
The carriage set for removal is located next to the well-loved Bobby’s café carriage, which will remain in place. Its departure will create space for a new bike hire company that will offer the Stratford Greenway’s visitors a selection of different bikes and carts to suit a variety of needs and provide regular opening hours tailored to seasonal demand. Final details of the agreement between Warwickshire County Council’s Country Parks service and the incoming business are expected to be confirmed over the next few weeks, at which point further information will be shared with the public.
Councillor Jan Matecki, Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning at Warwickshire County Council, shared:
“We are sad to say goodbye to the carriage that has housed the Stratford Bike Hire for many years and would like to say thank you to its former operator who has worked hard providing a valued service to our visitors. We are, however, very excited to introduce the new bike hire company to Stratford’s residents and visitors; we are confident this offer will support our sustainable travel objectives and help people enjoy Stratford and the surrounding areas in a way that will benefit their mental and physical health and wellbeing. Thank you in advance for your co-operation in keeping clear of the works as the old carriage is removed, and please stay tuned for further updates on the new venture!”
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