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Cameras at the ready! The Warwickshire Country Parks photography competition is officially open

Capture nature through the seasons at Warwickshire’s ten country parks, greenways and nature reserves.

Warwickshire County Council’s Country Parks service is excited to introduce the Warwickshire Country Parks Photography Competition, an opportunity for photographers at all levels to show off their favourite shots.

The competition will run from Thursday 28 March to Friday 6 September, and participants are invited to submit their best pictures capturing the theme of ‘Nature through the seasons’. Images must have been taken at one of our ten country parks, greenways and nature reserves in the past three years.

Mark Ryder, Executive Director for Communities at Warwickshire County Council, shared:

“Our country parks and greenways have so much to offer to people from Warwickshire and beyond, with each site bringing something unique in terms of its ecology, facilities and environment. We hope you’ll join us in capturing these valued green spaces through the Warwickshire Country Parks photography competition!”

The prize

Up for grabs is the opportunity to feature in the new Warwickshire Country Parks Calendar! Twelve winning photos will be picked to represent each month of the year, with one overall winner to also feature on the front cover. All winners will receive a copy of the calendar, and the overall winner will be offered a special tailored VIP park experience with their close family or loved ones.

How to enter

To submit your entry, please email your photo to and complete the participant consent form. This must be signed by a parent or guardian for participants who are under 18.

Please read the full rules below before submitting your entry.

The rules

  • One entry per person.
  • The participant consent form must be submitted alongside your entry and contain the same email address used to submit your photo.
  • Photographs must be taken at a Warwickshire Country Park or Greenway, these sites are: Kingsbury Water Park, Burton Dassett Hills Country Park, Ryton Pools Country Park, Pooley Country Park, Harsthill Hayes Country Park, Stratford Greenway, Kenilworth Greenway, Offchurch Greenway, Stockton Cutting Nature Reserve and Ufton Fields Nature Reserve.
  • Please don't disturb, injure or cause any kind of distress to wildlife or habitats while taking your picture.
  • Photographs should be in landscape format and have a minimum resolution of 300dpi.
  • Photographs must have been taken on or after 1 January 2021.
  • Photographs must not contain identifiable people, unless consent is agreed and submitted with the application via the consent form for individuals appearing in photographs
  • Photographs must be submitted without a watermark.
  • By submitting an entry into this competition, you agree to these rules and the Terms and Conditions (PDF, 168KB). This includes giving the council a full royalty-free licence to share and display your image.

For information on how the council will use and process your personal data, please see our privacy notice.

Published: 28th March 2024