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Let’s Talk Warwickshire Podcast: New episode delves into the health benefits of the great outdoors

A new episode of the Let’s Talk Warwickshire podcast has just been released, this time focusing on the links between health and wellbeing and spending time immersed in nature.

The podcast series aims to foster meaningful conversations on topics that directly impact the lives of Warwickshire residents. In this latest episode, Warwickshire’s Director for Public Health, Dr Shade Agboola, is joined by Warwickshire Country Parks’ Education, Community and Health Ranger, Jennifer Hughes, to delve into the tremendous health benefits that can be enjoyed through spending time in the great outdoors.

The five country parks, two greenways, and two nature reserves operated by Warwickshire County Council’s Country Parks service provide the perfect locations to take part in physical exercise and build a meaningful connection with nature. Whether riding a bike, joining a volunteer group, going for a jog, or just taking a stroll along one of the many well-surfaced paths, there are a range of opportunities for anyone who wishes to get active whilst surrounded by Warwickshire’s beautiful natural landscape.

Alongside the clear physical benefits to exercising outdoors, research indicates that spending time immersed in nature can also give a considerable boost to mental health and wellbeing.

Evidence suggests that there are five steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing, all of which can be taken on a visit to a Country Park. Trying these things could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life:

  1. Connect with other people
  2. Be physically active
  3. Learn new skills
  4. Give to others
  5. Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness).

You can listen to the Let’s Talk Warwickshire podcast here:

Councillor Margaret Bell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health at Warwickshire County Council, said: “We are delighted to bring the 'Let's Talk Warwickshire' podcast to our residents, providing valuable insights into the ways in which the great outdoors can positively impact our health and wellbeing.

“Walking groups, volunteer teams, and ranger-led events offer everyone opportunities to form social connections within their local community, and are a perfect antidote to loneliness which can have such a significant impact on health.”

Councillor Heather Timms, Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture at Warwickshire County Council, said: “Covering over 1,200 acres of Warwickshire finest and most varied natural landscape, Warwickshire’s Country Parks have a lot to offer in terms of mental and physical benefits. I do hope that anyone who hears this podcast will be inspired by the passion that comes through around the benefits of our country parks and will go and visit one or tell a neighbour or relative about them.” 

For more information about Warwickshire’s Country Parks,

For more information and advice about the five ways to wellbeing, visit:

To find out more about what’s coming up at Warwickshire’s Country Parks, subscribe to the new newsletter or visit the Warwickshire Country Parks Eventbrite Page:

Published: 19th July 2023