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Hartshill Hayes Country Park

Two areas of ancient hilly woodland make up most of this delightful country park. Renowned for glorious displays of bluebells in the Springtime, the park can take your breath away all year round with its hillside location offering spectacular panoramic views over four counties on a clear day.

If you’ve been to visit Hartshill Hayes Country Park recently, we’d love to hear your thoughts. Please take five minutes to complete our visitor feedback survey.

Feedback survey

Park opening times

Park opening times
Month Opening times
October - March 9.00 am – 4.00 pm
April - September 9.00 am – 9.00 pm


Permit holders do not need to buy a ticket from the machine and must clearly display their valid permit inside the vehicle with the end date visible.

Parking charges apply at this country park. Failure to display a valid day ticket or permit may result in a penalty charge notice being issued.

Information on parking permits

Car park costs
Vehicle Charges
Car £3.30 per day
Motorcycles No charge

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Additional information

Memorial for Road Traffic Victims in Warwickshire

Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership commissioned a permanent memorial for all who have been lost or injured on our roads. The permanent memorial is situated at Hartshill Hayes Country Park as part of our commemorative woodland which can be accessed if you take the left path as you pass the playground (What 3 words: highlight.canoe.test).

The memorial offers a peaceful location for people to gather to pay tribute to family members, friends, or colleagues whose lives have been affected by a road traffic collision.

Memorial at Hartshill picture


There are various events at our Country Parks throughout the year, check out the events list for the latest details.


There are a wide range of activities at this country park.

Accessibility and help

Disabled access via RADAR padlocked gates. National Key Scheme for disabled people available from RADAR. RADAR Keys are also available from Kingsbury Water Park (call 01827 872660 for more details) and North Warwickshire Borough Council’s One Stop Shop located in Atherstone. Wooded sections likely to be muddy with some exposed tree roots and standing water. Gradients steep in places ranging from 1:4 – 1:10 and cross slopes of >1:45. We would recommend you are accompanied on your visit to this site.

Barbecues and fires

Barbecues and fires are not allowed, but picnics are welcome.


Toilets are available with separate disabled facilities.


Dog waste bins available.

Cash machines

There are no cash machine facilities at this park.

Countryside Code

Natural England and Natural Resources Wales have updated the Countryside Code advice for countryside visitors. Please read the Countryside Code so we can all enjoy the outdoors responsibly.

Using drones

  • Hobbyist – We do not allow hobbyist drone flying in any of our parks, or greenways.
  • Commercial Operations – A pilot requires permission of the landowner (WCC) to take off and land the drone on their property. We only permit a CAA licensed pilot/company. Any requests must be in writing to the Parks Manager

Electric e-scooters, quads, go-peds, mini-motos, hoverboards and Segways

We do not allow use of these items by individuals within any of our Country Parks (mobility scooters are permitted).

Country parks logo hartshill

Hartshill Hayes - contact us

Address: Hartshill Hayes Country Park, Oldbury Road, Hartshill, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 0TE

Telephone: 01827 872660